About Bartlomiej Kulig
I am a talented and communicative BIM Specialist with structural engineering background willing to develop in the scope of digital engineering and project automation in infrastructure.
During my professional career I have gained knowledge and experience in the field of Building Information Modeling – I am successfully recognizing its processes, necessary resources and the possibilities it can bring to whole engineering industry.
Moreover, I have always tried to focus on people of different backgrounds and
expertises I was working with, as well as master the software I was currently using.
Constantly looking for new possibilities of development and trying to deliver my knowledge to other people
12/2017 – now
CADSOFT – Autodesk Gold Partner, Cracow, Poland
Organizing and providing trainings in terms of design software (Autodesk): Revit, Navisworks, AutoCAD Civil
3D, BIM 360. Implementing BIM systems and solutions amongst polish design AEC companies as well as
amongst investors.
Providing lectures at conferences, webinars; spreading the idea of BIM.
02/2017 – 09/2017
Jacobs Engineering, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Dubai Metro Route 2020 – BIM Level 2 (Autodesk Revit, Navisworks, Dynamo)
Coordinating structural team versus client’s requirements and required standards, reviewing models, preparing
clash reports and presentations of progresses, providing training for team members, organizing modeling
09/2016 – now
Jacobs Engineering, Cracow, Poland
Dubai Metro Route 2020 – BIM Level 2 (Autodesk Revit, Dynamo)
Modeling of linear structures (viaduct, tunnel and cut & cover parts) of new metro line in Dubai, reviewing models, providing new solutions and coordinating Building Information Modeling from local office
Lower Thames Crossing – BIM Coordinator (Autodesk Revit, Navisworks)
Coordinating bridge team’s work in terms of created models on behalf of Highways England – the investor.
Providing training for team members, setting up Common Data Environment and common standards, multi-discipline coordination, reviewing models.
2017 – 2018 WSB Universities
Poznan, Poland
BIM Manager – modern management of buildings post-graduate studies
BIM Manager Certificate from eccBIM (European BIM Certification Cente)
02/2017 – 09/2017
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering – studies in English B.Eng.
Bridges and Underground Structures Msc.Eng.
Autodesk Certified Instructor (ACI)
Revit Structure
BIM Level 2 Informed Professional
Building Research Establishment (BRE)
ECDL CAD Certificate – AutoCAD – Intermediate
BIŚ Computers, license 1240692XX1